
Wil Group hits its fourth birthday

NORGESTION is one of the founding partners.

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This month sees WIL Group celebrate its fourth anniversary. The Group was founded on September 8, 2014 at the Hotel Normandy in Paris. It was born out of a growing need for interim management to become more globalised: to match the blurring borders of today's business world.

Today, WIL Group has 19 offices and operates across 37 countries. We have a combined talent pool of 38,500 proven interim executives, with our teams working together seamlessly to meet our clients' needs.

Four years seems a short amount of time, but in the business world huge changes are delivered and embedded in 12 months or less. That's what's at the heart of our services. Businesses today are in a constant cycle of transformation, continuously improving, innovating and delivering as efficiently as possible.

Bringing in interim professionals is the key to fast, successful transformation. The right interim can get to the heart of the matter fast and knows how to get results.

It's an interesting time for the business world. Political uncertainty is the highest it has been in years, with many unexpected developments impacting countries across every continent. The knock-on effects on business are hard to predict but often very urgent in nature. In Europe, clearly, Brexit is a compelling example where companies need to be ready to react fast to the unknown.

The rapid pace of digitalisation is also a huge driver. Businesses are racing the competition to embed the right technologies that will streamline and accelerate their performance. Each is seeking out the latest, affordable solutions to set them apart from the rest.

These factors require specialist skills, experience and knowledge. Our interim professionals are chosen by the world's biggest and fastest moving corporates to drive and embed transformation. With change now the new norm, we're confident that our four years of growth will continue on for decades to come.

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