Energías renovables: Catalunya Caixa realiza 3 operaciones corporativas, comunicadas hoy

Operaciones realizadas con el asesoramiento de NORGESTION.

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Remitido.- GECAL, S.A. has increased its stake in PARQUE EÓLICO LOS PEDREROS, S.L. by acquiring an additional 40% stake from CATALUNYA CAIXA CAPITAL. The target owns and operates a 50Mw wind energy plant located in Albacete (Spain). After the transaction GECAL owns 100% of the target.  Date Effective: 2015 June 25th

EDP RENOVABLES ESPAÑA, S.L. has acquired a 40% stake in DESARROLLOS CATALANES DEL VIENTO, S.L. from CATALUNYA CAIXA CAPITAL. The target owns and operates three wind energy plants located in Tarragona (Spain) with a total installed capacity of 125Mw. After the transaction EDP RENOVABLES ESPAÑA owns 100% of the target.  Date Effective: 2015 May 18th

UNIÓN DE INTERIORES.S.A. has increased its stake in ENERVENT, S.L. by acquiring an additional 17% stake from CATALUNYA CAIXA CAPITAL. The target owns and operates a 36Mw wind energy plant located in Tarragona (Spain).  Date Effective: 2015 April 27th

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