La holandesa Caldic anuncia la adquisición de Ricardo Molina

NORGESTION ha actuado como asesor financiero de Ricardo Molina.

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Caldic Press Release.- Rotterdam, May 2, 2024: Caldic today announced the acquisition of Ricardo Molina, a leading distribution solutions provider of specialty ingredients and chemicals for the life science and industrial markets based in Barcelona (Spain). The innovative portfolio and value-added services will enhance Caldic’s current offering and expand its footprint in Iberia and Latin America.

Founded in 1927, Ricardo Molina is renowned for its solutions-oriented approach aimed at delivering distinct and measurable value to the food & nutrition, pharma, personal care, and industrial markets. Over the past 97 years, Ricardo Molina has built a solid reputation with its business partners through the unwavering commitment to contribute to their customers' and suppliers' business and consistently putting their needs center stage. Through Molina Insights, Molina Lab, and Molina Academy, the company has invested in its advisory and training capabilities and competencies, enabling the expert technical team to formulate solutions that extend beyond the ingredient, based on the premise that true value lies in the combination of innovation capabilities, technical expertise, market know-how, and business understanding.

The acquisition of Ricardo Molina significantly strengthens Caldic’s network of laboratories in Europe. A state-of-the-art food application lab, personal care lab, and R&D lab for industrial applications, in combination with dedicated technical experts will greatly enhance the formulation and advisory capabilities for customers. Furthermore, the industrial laboratory also serves as the expertise center for the proprietary INGRENTIA® brand: industrial formulation solutions for the construction, coatings, and additives markets.

“We are delighted to onboard the Ricardo Molina team at Caldic”, says Laurent Pasqualini, CEO Caldic Europe. “Ricardo Molina’s approach to creating unique value for each customer is fully aligned with Caldic’s continuous quest to provide premium value to our partners’ business. The complementary product portfolio and technical expertise will be valuable assets to help us accelerate the delivery of innovative and sustainable solutions to customers in the European market. Together – as a leading player in Iberia – we can make a bigger positive impact in the life and material science markets in Spain and across Europe.”

Remedios Marcos, Managing Director, Ricardo Molina, commented: “Today marks a significant milestone in our company’s history that is characterized by private ownership and local focus. It is very exciting to join Caldic as we embark on a growth journey with a customer-centric organization at a global scale, enabling our principals and customers to benefit from a broader set of capabilities, experiences, and best practices. We are thrilled at the prospect of teaming up with Caldic to inspire solutions that unlock opportunities for our business partners to create value at an even higher level.”

The completion of the transaction is subject to regulatory approvals. The closing is expected to take place in the second quarter of 2024.

NORGESTION acted as the exclusive financial advisor to Ricardo Molina.

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